Welcome to GI - LINKS

This page has been created and is mainted by Matthias Möller. He is currently working as a professor for Geoinformatics (GI) and Remote Sensing (RS) at the University of Bamberg, Germany. GI - LINKS is ment to act as a common exchange platform for students (not only from Germany) but from all over the world.

You may add your comments, links and additional stuff related to GI & RS under the Feedback page. This is send to the author by email and will be added to GI -LINKS soon.

GI -LINKS is the result of several years teaching GI & RS and additional stuff like GPS, Location Based Services, Cartography, etc. GI - LINKS is under permanent development and updating.

Visitor's notice

Please feel free to distribute this web - page under your friends and colleagues.


02/01/2009 17:05

GI - LINKS online

GI - LINKS is online now and will start through soon with some content! Stay tuned and check out frequently.

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Prof. Dr. Matthias S. Möller

University Bamberg
Am Kranen 1
D 96045 Bamberg

+49 951 863 2316
+49 30 4504 5424